You must be aware of the fact that the government has made it mandatory for the people to link the Aadhaar Card to the PAN Card. The main advantage of this process for the government is that the people would not be able to have multiple PAN Cards. Moreover, it is not legally allowed to have multiple PAN Cards.
If you also have multiple PAN Cards then you must surrender the PAN Card and there is a procedure that can be followed to surrender the PAN Card. In this article, we are going to talk about the process to surrender the PAN Card and along with that, we will also help you with PAN Card Cancellation Letter Format.
There can be two scenarios here which are listed below
- Surrender of Active PAN Card
- Surrender of In-Active PAN Card
The process to surrender an In-Active PAN Card, the process is quite simple and you can submit an offline or an online application for that. The trouble comes when you have to surrender an active PAN Card as in such a case, you will have to go ahead and write an application to The Income Tax Officer. Let us now talk about the process.
Surrender of Inactive PAN Card via Online Method
- To begin with, the process, visit and on the website, go to the top menu, click on Online Services and Select PAN from there.
- You will be redirected to a new page and click on Apply Button under Correction in PAN. The link takes you to a common page for Form 49A and Form 49AA.
- Fill in all the mandatory details and enter the PAN Card number that you wish to retain. In the section below, you will be asked to declare all other PAN Cards and hence, declare the PAN Card Numbers for all other PAN Cards that you have.
- Enter all other details that you need to enter in the PAN Card and once that is done, you can go ahead and upload the ID Proof, Address Proof and DOB Proof. Make the payment for submission of the form.
- After the payment, you will get the acknowledgement slip which needs to be signed by you and you also need to send this acknowledgement slip to TIN-NSDL Pune office.
- The PAN Cards are cancelled after this and you will also receive a notification regarding the same.
Surrender of Inactive PAN Card via Offline Method
Follow the steps listed below to surrender the Inactive PAN Card via Offline Method
- First of all, take the print of Form 49A and the form is available online. You can download the form with help of TIN-NSDL Website and the link for the form is
- Fill in the form with all the details and also attach your ID Proof, Address Proof and Date of Birth Proof. Sign the form at the places where it is necessary and attach your photo.
- Now, visit the PAN Centre and if you are not sure about the PAN Centre then you can locate the PAN Centre with help of the link
- At the PAN Centre, submit the application and the PAN Card will be cancelled after the investigation. It takes about two weeks for the process to be complete.
Surrender of Active PAN Card
It is not possible to surrender the Active PAN Card via Offline method and hence you need to follow the offline method. Below are the steps that should be taken to cancel the active PAN Card
- Locate the Local Income Tax Assessing Officer and visit the officer with the Application and the documents.
- Submit the documents and the application to the Local Income Tax Assessing Officer and the same will be cancelled after verification and investigation.
- The format of the application is listed below
Cancel/Surrender of PAN Number – (######)
The Income Tax Assessing Officer
Your Name
Your Address
Subject – Cancel/Surrender of PAN Number – (######)
- Details of PAN Card to be Cancelled
- The justification for Cancellation of PAN Card
Thanking You
Yours truly
Your Name
Contact Details
This was all about the Surrender of Active PAN Card and the process is quite simple to follow. For any help, you can get in touch with the TIN-NSDL Department at 020 – 2721 8080

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.