To break the notion that its only Voter card which enables you to exercise your rights of voting, the Indian Government has brought about a lot of changes in the process. The only exercise you need to do is check out your name on the electoral poll before going out to vote in your polling booth.
All of this gigantic change would commence from 7th April wherein millions of Indian residents would exercise their voting right as given to them by the Government.
How can you check your name on the electoral list?
The electoral list of the voters that are registered for voting is managed by all the 543 constituencies all across the nation. It is therefore essential that your name must appear on that list before you proceed to the polling station. There are two methods to find your name:
First method
- Go to the official website of your state’s chief electoral officer.
- Choose your constituency and enter your details (Name, Father/Mother/Husband Name, House no)
- Enter your Voter’s Photo ID card no (You can even search through your voter id card number)
- Enter the Captcha code
- Click on Search.
On the blue link given under search button, you can enter your voter id card number and find your name in the electoral/voter list)
Let us understand with an example
- In case you are a voter from Delhi, you must log on to
- In case you are a voter from Maharashtra, you can log in to
Second method
The other method is dialing 1950 which is a toll-free number specifically assigned to elections. In the year 1950, our constitution came into being.
Documents required for Voting
Earlier, a voter card was accepted by the Election Commission of India as the primary Identification proof and then came the photo voter slip which was issued to all the registered voters by the electorate. It reaches the voters via mail in 5 days prior to the date of polling in your area. You can alternatively check with your constituency’s local polling officer or collect it from the polling station’s officer based outside the booth.
In case you find your name on the electoral sheet but don’t have a voter’s id card then you are allowed to carry any of the below mentioned photo id proofs alternatively.
- Driving License
- PAN Card
- Passport
- AadhaarCard
- Passbook issued by the post office or bank (the one with photograph)
- If you are retired, you can carry your pension document to use as photo ID document
- In case of a government employee, the identity card or the service card as allotted by the central and state government, or a public sector organization would work.
- Smart card as allotted by the National Population Register
- Health insurance smart card allotted by the Ministry of Labor and Employment
- MNREGA job card – if you are registered in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Scheme.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.