Housing Finance Companies are those companies that provide financial aids in developing the country’s infrastructure. There are various companies in the country and there are few, which rule this sector.
Here is a list of Top Ten Housing Finance Companies in India:
10. IFCI Limited
It was founded in the year 19948, and they offer some great services to the people that are related with housing and infrastructure. It has a market capitalization of Rs. 3, 639Cr. and it is one of the best housing Finance companies in the country. It is one of the companies that is acquired by the government.
Website: https://www.ifciltd.com/
9. Infrastructure Development Finance Co. (IFDC)
It is among the top ten housing companies in the country and it was established in the year 1997. They deal in various projects that are realted with energy, roads, parks, and many more things. They have a market capitalization of Rs. 6,655 Cr. They aim at giving the best infrastructure to the country.
Website: http://www.idfc.com/
8. Muthoot Finance
It is one of the most common name that is known by everyone, when one speaks about housing finance companies. It was established in 1939, and they have provided amazing services to the country. The market capitalization of this company is Rs. 6,963 Cr. they have various services to offer you.
Website: http://www.muthootfinance.com/
7. L&T Finance Ltd.
It was founded in the year 1994, and this company provides loans in various sectors like commercial vehicle loan, home loan, business loans and many more such loans. The total market capitalization of this company is Rs. 10,247 Cr. This company was started as a non banking company and later on expanded their visions and facilities.
Website: http://www.ltfinance.com/
6. Shriram Transport Finance Company
SFTC was founded in the year 1979, and they provide loans in various commercial vehicle loans. The market capitalization of this company is Rs. 16,999 Cr. It has more than 500 branches across the country. They are also registered with the Reserve bank of India.
Website: http://www.stfc.in/home.html
5. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited
It was founded in the year 1969 and they provide financial aid to various power projects like Hydro power projects, thermal power projects and many more such projects. It has a market capitalization of18,139 cr. It is a Government enterprise and they focuses on developing the rural areas.
Website: http://www.recindia.nic.in/
4. Power Finance Corporation Limited
It was founded in the year 1986 and they have supply financial aids to various power projects like power generation, transmission and distribution. The company has a market Capitalization of Rs. 20,988 Cr. It is also a government company that aims at developing the country and giving financial aids to various infrastructure projects.
Website: http://www.pfcindia.com/
3. LIC Housing Finance Limited
It was founded in the year 1989; it is the third best company housing company in the country.. The market capitalization of this company is Rs.24, 423 Cr. The main aim of this company is to provide financial aid to the people who want to buy a new house or to build infrastructures. They also cater their services to the NRI’s in Dubai and Kuwait as they have set up their offices in the respective places.
Website: http://www.lichousing.com/
2. Bajaj Finance Limited
It is one of the best banks in the country that is a non bank, and they offer services to people in various areas and sector. It is transparent, gives you honest suggestions and hides nothing from you. The market capitalization is Rs. 31,225Cr.They also aim at achieving success in the fuel sector as well, which is needed in our day to day to life.
Website: https://www.bajajfinserv.in/finance/
1. Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC)
It is the best housing company in the country and was founded in 1977 and they offer loans for people who are planning to make their own houses. HDFC provides financial aid to people from across the world. The market capitalization of this company is Rs. 1, 82,896 Cr. They provide housing and non housing loans.
Website: https://hdfc.com/

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.