Proper governance is necessary in order for any country to prosper and thrive. Though it isn’t easy to determine the worst and best governed countries in the world, we hereby uses data from Legatum Prosperity Index to find this out. It has several indexes called governance, which are used to determine quality economic performance and life in a country. We will hereby use three areas to determine the worst governed countries in the world; political participation and fair elections, accountable government, and rule of law.
Basing on the above, here are our 10 worst governed countries in the world:
10. Eritrea
It has a corruption score of 18 and it is a single party presidential democracy. It is an unknown country where corruption thrives. It is located in Africa and borders Djibouti to the south; to the north it borders Sudan; directly across Saudi Arabi, it borders Red Sea. It is a poor country with a GDP of $3.44 billion and a population of 6.3 million. It had isolated itself from the world, but of late, they are opening up their borders for foreign investors and most state owned assets are being privatized. The country has so many internal problems, especially arising from the single party rule.
9. Libya
Corruption score is at 18 and has a transitional power structure.There was an uprising in the country when the former President Muammar Gaddaffi was killed, his supporters protested, parading his body on the streets. Libya is still in turmoil with nor formal government in place and there is fighting between rebels and royalties to the old administration. It has made the GDP in 9.4. Corrupt military and arms dealers are in charge.
8. Uzbekistan
The corruption score is at 18 and the power structure is a republic. They have an authoritative president who has invested most of the country’s power in himself, the executive thus making it ripe for corruption. The current president has been in power since the country broke up from the Soviets in 1991 and to date, he has lust for power.
7. Turkmenistan
Its power, corruption index is at 17 with a power structure of presidential democracy that is authoritarian. They reside in a dangerous neighborhood as they are bordered by Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan. This is a hotbed of corruption. Due to the constant turmoil in the Middle East, it is easy for the country to fall into corruption, especially at the helm of the authoritarian presidential figure.
6. Iraq
Its corruption score is at 16 and it has a federal parliamentary constitutional power structure. After the American invasion of 15 years, it left Iraq with a power vacuum with different groups fighting for power over the embattled nation. Its vast wealth and natural resources has made it prone to all kinds of war and industry corruption.
5. South Sudan
It has a corruption score of 15 with a republic power structure. It is one of the world’s youngest nation which gained its independence in 2011 after long conflicts with its parent country Sudan, which gained independence in 1956. More than 2.5 million people have lost their lives in the conflict. It is still in its infancy, thus, doesn’t have long standing government structures which in turn, has led to ripe opportunities for politicians who are corrupt to carry out their dubious deals. This has made the country to remain undeveloped.
4. Afghanistan
The corruption score is at 12 and it has an Islamic republic power structure. It has had hundredths of conflicts. It is nicknamed the graveyard empire due to the incredibly difficult to conquer and keep under control. It is held loosely by a central government which lacks power. It is governed by local warlords and tribal leaders thus making corruption to be rife.
3. Sudan
It has a corruption score of 11 and has a federal republic power structure. It is an African country that has been wrapped in several years of war, conflict due to ethnic and factionsfactors. This greatly made the country to be unstable and unable to operate economically. Due to prolonged insecurity its GDP is low with over 64.5% of its citizens living under the poverty line.
2. Northern Korea
Its corruption score is at 8 and its power structure is dictatorial. This makes it to be highly corrupt. It is a communist state one man dictatorship which has led to an estimated GDP of $28 billion. They are notorious of having very little electricity and prides itself in sending its citizens to prison.
1. Somalia
It has a corruption score of 8, meaning, they tie with Northern Korea. It is the most unstable country in the entire universe. The country has pirates who are known for having pirates who take over passing ships in the gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. It has a loose central government run by a number of warlords which creates ground for corruption, division and hostility.
The above being the most corrupt countries, be forewarned, just in case you are thinking of starting a foreign business there, hold your horses and try somewhere else.

Santosh Kumar is a Professional SEO and Blogger, With the help of this blog he is trying to share top 10 lists, facts, entertainment news from India and all around the world.